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Selling Event Sponsorship: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating an Irresistible Sponsorship Deck

Written by Tournkey Team | Jun 12, 2023 5:49:00 PM


Hey there, event maestros! Are you ready to lure in some big fish sponsors for your next event? Well, buckle up because I'm about to guide you through the thrilling world of selling event sponsorship. This isn't just about slapping together a few fancy slides; it's about crafting a sponsorship deck that's so compelling, that it'll have sponsors throwing their wallets at you!

Step 1: Know Your Event

First things first, you've got to understand your event like the back of your hand. What's unique about it? Who's attending? And for Pete's sake, why should sponsors care? Jot down the key elements: audience demographics, event theme, expected turnout, and past successes (if it's not your first rodeo).

Step 2: Define Your Sponsorship Goals

What's your endgame here? Are you looking for financial support, products, services, or a mix of these? Be clear about what you want and what you can offer in return. Remember, sponsorship is a two-way street!

Step 3: Crafting Custom Sponsorship Packages

Ditch the one-size-fits-all approach! When it comes to sponsorship, customization is king. The key is to tailor each sponsorship package to align seamlessly with the specific needs and goals of each potential sponsor. Here’s how to do it:

Understand Your Sponsor's Goals

Start by diving deep into the world of your potential sponsors. What are they passionate about? What are their marketing objectives? Whether it's boosting brand awareness, reaching new audiences, or launching a new product, your goal is to understand their goals.

Align with Your Event's Strengths

Now, match your event's strengths with the sponsor's objectives. If your event is tech-focused and your sponsor is launching a new app, highlight opportunities for tech demos or interactive sessions. If it's a music festival and your sponsor cares about eco-friendly practices, propose green initiatives they can lead or sponsor.

Customize The Experience

Get creative with how the sponsor can engage with your audience. Think beyond logos on banners. Can they host a VIP lounge? Sponsor a keynote session? Offer exclusive experiences or products? The more unique and engaging, the better.

Communicate Value Clearly

When pitching your customized package, clearly articulate the value proposition. How will this sponsorship help them achieve their goals? Use data and examples to make your case compelling.

Flexibility is Key

Be open to feedback and willing to tweak the package. Collaboration during the package design phase can strengthen the relationship and ensure the sponsorship is a win-win.

Document the Details

Once you’ve nailed down the specifics, document everything in a clear, concise, and professional manner. This package becomes a pivotal part of your sponsorship deck.

By focusing on bespoke sponsorship solutions, you’re not just selling space at your event; you’re offering a valuable partnership tailored to deliver on your sponsors' specific goals. This approach not only enhances the attractiveness of your event but also lays the foundation for long-term relationships with your sponsors. Let me know if there's anything else you'd like to add or modify!

Step 4: The Art of the Deck

Alright, it's showtime! Your sponsorship deck is your frontline soldier, so make it count. Start with a bang: an eye-catching cover page. Then, introduce your event with high-impact visuals and compelling stats. Follow it up with detailed audience insights, sponsorship packages, and, importantly, testimonials from past sponsors (if available). Keep it snappy, visually appealing, and informative. Remember, you're not writing a novel; you're creating a visual pitch!

Step 5: Know Your Prospects

Who are your ideal sponsors? Research companies that align with your event's values and audience. Understand their brand goals and tailor your pitch to show how your event can help them achieve these goals. It's all about making them see the undeniable value in partnering with you.

Step 6: Perfect Your Pitch

Now, for the moment of truth – the pitch. Whether it's an email, a phone call, or a face-to-face meeting, your pitch should be concise, confident, and customized. Highlight key points from your deck and be prepared to answer questions or offer customizations.

Step 7: Follow-Up Like a Boss

Don't just sit back and wait. Follow up! But, for the love of all things eventful, don't be a pest. A gentle nudge, a check-in email, or an offer to provide more information can go a long way.

Best Practices to Keep in Mind

  • Know Your Worth: Your event is awesome. Believe it and make them believe it.
  • Be Flexible: Sometimes, customization is key to sealing the deal.
  • Build Relationships: Sponsorship is not just a transaction; it's a partnership. Nurture it.
  • Stay Organized: Keep track of who you've contacted, responses, and next steps.
  • Leverage Social Proof: Nothing speaks louder than a successful track record.


Selling event sponsorship can be as exciting as the event itself. It's about creating relationships, understanding value, and presenting it in a shiny, irresistible package. So, go on, get out there, and show those sponsors what they're missing out on!